Continuing program of compulsory first aid training

Accredited training is for EVERYONE who wants to gain first aid skills and certification.


In the event of an accident or sudden death, every minute counts. If you are in doubt about your ability to provide first aid, register for training today.


The training complies with the mandatory first aid training program according to the Order No. V-30 of January 11, 2018, of the Republic of Lithuania’s Ministry of Health. It is also suitable for medical professionals and pharmacists seeking to renew their licenses.


The course will take place in an effective and modern way – the Hybrid learning method.


This learning method has two stages:

At a time convenient for you, you will view selected and concentrated information (schemes, algorithms, video material) on the electronic learning platform, which will help you absorb knowledge faster.

Practical training will take place in small groups under the supervision of an instructor. You will learn using successful decision-making algorithms. With the help of algorithms, you will learn to perform all actions quickly and successfully. Experienced instructors will answer any questions you may have.

After completing the course, you will be able to:

check atpažinti staigią mirtį ir atlikti kokybišką pradinį gaivinimą,
check naudoti automatinį išorinį defibriliatorių,
check teikti pagalbą užspringusiam suaugusiam ir vaikui,
check suteikti pagalbą esant traumai: stabdyti stiprų išorinį kraujavimą spaudžiamu tvarsčiu, turniketu.
check daryti įvykus ūmioms būklėms: nualpus, ištikus alergijai, traukuliams, insultui, infarktui apsinuodijus.
check teikti pagalbą skendimo, elektros traumos atveju.

Pasirinkite norimą datą ir registruokitės į mokymus

2025-02-12, Kaunas, viešbutis „Victoria”, Miško g. 11


2025-02-12, Vilnius, viešbutis „Green Vilnius Hotel”, Pilaitės pr. 20


2025-03-01, Kaunas, viešbutis „Victoria”, Miško g. 11


2025-03-20, Vilnius, viešbutis „Green Vilnius Hotel”, Pilaitės pr. 20


2025-04-17, Kaunas, viešbutis „Victoria”, Miško g. 11


2025-04-17, Vilnius, viešbutis „Green Vilnius Hotel”, Pilaitės pr. 20


2025-05-10, Kaunas, viešbutis „Victoria”, Miško g. 11


2025-05-10, Vilnius, viešbutis „Green Vilnius Hotel”, Pilaitės pr. 20


2025-06-12, Kaunas, viešbutis „Victoria”, Miško g. 11


2025-06-12, Vilnius, viešbutis „Green Vilnius Hotel”, Pilaitės pr. 20


2025-08-14, Kaunas, viešbutis „Victoria”, Miško g. 11


Tikslinės dalyvių grupės:

check Visų specializacijų gydytojai
check Gydytojai odontologai


Training program

4 hours

Practical activities

2 hours


English, Lithuanian



Submit a request

    Do you have any questions?

    Participant feedback

    “From now on, I will no longer be afraid to approach a person who has fallen in the street. I gained courage and confidence. I learned how to make clicks and use the defibrillator. In the past, it seemed that only medical professionals could do this. Thanks to the great instructors!”

    Student from Vilnius, Lithuania

    “I really liked the fact that everyone could practically resuscitate the mannequins. It was a small enough group, so everyone had enough attention from the instructors. I enjoyed working under the supervision of qualified instructors who gave feedback. I was able to find out things that I had been wondering about for a long time.”

    Teacher from Kaunas, Lithuania

    “As a teacher myself, I noticed a very innovative way of teaching. I have not come across hybrid teaching before, but I think it is the future of education. I would like to see this kind of teaching system in our university too. Thank you for innovating in Lithuania.”

    Lecturer from Vilnius, Lithuania

    “When I took my licence, we were only shown how to resuscitate, but nobody let us try. It was the first first aid training where they didn’t tell you the theory, but you could try it out in practice. It’s good to have mannequins to show if the clicks are correct. I don’t want to have to resuscitate in my life, but I am ready to help if I need it.”

    Coach from Klaipėda

    “The best training I’ve ever had! Professional, kind and attentive instructors, lots of practice, mannequins, choking vests, real defibrillators. I will recommend to all my friends. This kind of training should be compulsory at school. After all, we can all be exposed. Thank you for changing Lithuania. I wish you the best of luck!”

    Hotel clerk from Kaunas

    “Very useful course. I have trained in resuscitation before, but this was the first time I tried the defibrillator and tourniquet. It’s good to see more and more of these tools in public places. In my opinion, a tourniquet should be in every driver’s first aid kit. I would like to repeat the training in a few years’ time, because everything gets lost.”

    Long-distance driver from Marijampolė

    About us


    years of experience


    different courses

    85 000

    trained people


    international instructors

    First Aid

    We work to ensure that every person in every corner of Lithuania receives high-quality healthcare that meets modern standards in the event of acute illness or injury.



    Saving lives in our everyday work. Our instructors are medical professionals certified by the American Heart Association and the European Resuscitation Council.



    100 %. practice during training, using cutting-edge educational methods and technologies. We don’t lecture, but rather allow everyone to learn the skills they need in simulated situations.



    For more than 20 years, we have been providing practical training to medical staff in Lithuania and abroad. We are constantly learning ourselves and teaching others, because everyone needs to update their life-saving skills.