Frequently asked questions

Remaining calm in an emergency requires solid practical skills. That’s why the training combines theory with practice. You will be able to view the theoretical material (videos, lectures, algorithms) at your convenience on the online training platform. During the practical sessions, you will develop the necessary skills and receive feedback from the trainers.


One year after the course, you will be able to use the training materials.

The exact location of the training is negotiable, and the course can be held at your proposed premises.

Total number is unlimited.

Half of the course time is dedicated to practical training. For example, in an 8-hour course, practical training will take 4 hours.


Upon completion of the training, certificates are issued for health professionals, drivers, and employees of companies, institutions and organisations as required. The training complies with Order No V-69 of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Lithuania of 28 January 2008.

12-24 participants.